Your data is your most valuable asset. We can help you to protect it.
Our Data Privacy and Protection knowledge and tools will help you to safeguard your business.

With Passion & Dedication

Formed in 2005 as a preferred supplier to UK
Ministry of Defence and Government.

Saving your time

Our long-standing experience means that we can provide each
customer, whatever their size, with pragmatic solutions exactly tailored to suit their specific requirements.

Skilled and Experienced Team

Mobile and highly experienced team consists of senior
professionals who are all passionate about IT security

cyber security for SME

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST, a type of white-box testing, involves scrutinizing the at-rest source code to identify exploitable design and coding flaws. It enables you to evaluate the source code of your applications, bytes, and binaries. By utilizing SAST tools, external parties can be prevented from taking advantage of vulnerabilities present in the code.

A SAST scan is typically conducted using predefined rules that outline coding errors. Furthermore, it can be used to identify common security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, stack buffer overflow, and input validation errors.

It is possible to integrate SAST into the development and quality assurance process and synchronize it with integrated development environments (IDEs) and continuous integration (CI) servers.

Test Your Web App for 10,000+ Attacks

Integrate vulnerability testing into your DevOps pipeline. Find & fix vulnerabilities fast with zero false positives.

See Our Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) in Action

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and see how easy AppSec can be